God sent His Son so that we may live and not die. In response to all He’s done, we here at Shepherdsown Church use all proceeds to disciple others, feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit the imprisoned.
Malachi 3:10 (King James Version)
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Shepherdsown Ministry cannot exist without the support of our generous donors, and we are blessed with your donation! Through your financial donations, we’re able to provide in-prison, post-prison and outreach ministries that reach inmates and former inmates where they are. Whether it’s through tent revivals that bring men and women to the Love of God, participating in programs that reduce recidivism, individual counseling, and networking with community organizations, we seek to bring the love of Christ into the lives of men and women affected by incarceration. Thank you so much for your interest in partnering with our vision. The commitment of this ministry is to follow the Lord in leading his sons and daughters back to him.
No in-kind or monetary donation is too small.
Volunteer your time
Gift cards -
Buy an ID, Birth certificate or bus pass
Gas cards
Hygiene packs
Food Baskets
Speakers Bureau
Landlords and property owners
Spiritual Support
Pen Pal
Professional volunteer services - Marketing, capital campaign, grant writing, Event planning, curriculum development, fund development and Sustainability planning, social media content and program development).
Chaplaincy, Pastor and Ministerial
Mental Health Counselor/Therapist
Substance abuse counselor
Music Ministry
Children Treasures - gifts to inmates children's
SHARE - please share our ministry with someone on Facebook, Instagram, (Video, Interview, Pictures)
As a nonprofit, we depend on the generosity of individual donors to help fund our programs and campaigns. Your contribution enables us to do our work at this critical time and we truly appreciate it.
"Thank you for blessing us with your donation"
Paul G
I remember walking into a classroom and there was this woman of God in the front of the class the moment I introduced myself to her I knew that they were something special about this volunteer. The moment she began to speak I could feel the very presence of God. She looked straight at me and she told me brother you’re a water walker where you are at right now God is using you do not be discouraged. What’s funny about that situation is that she didn’t know what I was going through but I was in a place of loneliness a place of uncertainty but I knew that God was with me and those very words encourage me to continue on my walk to share Christ and to continue moving forward. As time passed this ministry continued to pour out their love to the veterans group and also to the whole unit . I am now released from prison and continue to see the fruits of Shepherdsown Ministry. They continue to share their love with me and continue to pour out to me and walk with me in this journey not just me but also my family my wife my love ones. I see what they are doing for the community their love for Christ just to share the light to others who are lost and in also in a dark place. I will always be grateful for this ministry and for what they have done God bless.
Shepherdsown Ministry is a 501(c)3 non-profit recognized by the IRS (tax ID 83-2653894). Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.