For those that are incarcerated experiencing one on one mentorship can be life changing - at Shepherdsown Ministry we believe the spiritual relationship will be the transformation needed in their lives. We see these men and women behind the walls as brothers and sisters in Christ. It is the love of Jesus Christ that will set the captives free...
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:36
Shepherdsown Ministry exists to build faith-based, health and human service collaborations to build healthy communities, reduce recidivism and create hope to impact justice involved families.
Be a strategic expression of Gods heart and restoration for justice involved families.
HOW will Shepherdsown Ministry impact justice involved families?
Comprehensive, multi-church and agency effort designed to coordinate the delivery of spiritual, health and human services to BUILD healthy communities, REDUCE Recidivism and CREATE opportunities for justice involved families to grow spiritually, worship and walk out their faith journey on earth.