Reentry service program
that change lives
Shepherdsown Ministry is unlike many other ministries or programs. We start Reentry services, support and assessment when our justice involved men are still behind the walls of incarceration. Dialogue and planning begins by providing spiritual services - Bible Study, prayer and invitation to pursue a relationship with God.
Our Justice involved participants are a part of a tiered system within the organization. Each participants needs will vary for each person.
Tier I
Intake, assessment and interview
Tier II
Design individual case plan - Coordinate Services with TDCJ ReEntry and Chaplaincy
Tier III
Upon release provide intense Case Management for 30 days
- Identify Parole/Probation stipulations
- Secure housing or shelter - Emergency shelter, Sober Living homes or Ministry housing
- Apply for public benefits - SNAP
- Clothes - work boots/shoes, back pack and other items as needed
- Hygiene
- Transportation - 31 day bus pass
- Secure personal credentials - ID, Social and Birth Certificate
- School Transcripts
- Seek medical care
- Referral to Health and Human Service agencies
- Veteran Services
- Mental Health Assessment and Services
- Social Security Disability appointment - to pursue benefits
- Employment
- Connection to Peer Support Specialist
- Connection to a faith community
- Family reunification
- Provide the classes, training and requirements to successfully meet the Supervision requirements (AA/NA, Anger Management, I Work, Parenting, Financial Literacy, Seeking Safety, (MRT))
We know that people are not always released at the scheduled time but our ministry works hard at providing services that support a successful reentry into society, regardless of the barriers and challenges faced.